National Weather Service |
Weather information for the city listed above is from the most trusted and well-known source of weather in the USA. Includes wind, visibility, maximum and minimum temperatures and 24-hour summaries in addition to the condition and current temperature. |
Radar Image |
This is a really good picture of what the USA weather pattern is, and the image is updated on a regular basis. |
Area Weather |
This commercial site has an easy-to-understand weather report. It includes the high and low temperatures, extended forecasts and hour-by-hour forecasts. |
Wireless Weather Access |
You can now receive your weather forecast from the National Weather Service anywhere/anytime using your wireless device. All you need is a wireless device that can surf the Internet along with a wireless Internet service provider. You can use either of the following URL's to access your complete weather forecast: |
HTTP enabled wireless devices: mobile.weather.gov |
WAP enabled wireless devices: cell.weather.gov |
Local Search Engine for Glendale, Arizona |